V23e Coming Soon


Launching on 21st Feb, 12 PM

Stay classy with
the Ultra-Slim Glass Design

The exquisite appearance of V23e is sleek and mesmerizing.
The ultra-slim design impeccably fits in your palm with a comfortable size.

The portrait that inspires

Uncover the beauty in you with
the high-quality portrait camera.

Zoom in, zoom out
However you want

Every detail deserves to be seen and cherished.
You won't miss them with the V23e front camera!

Make pictures sparkle
like artworks

Be ready to turn your shots into glittering artworks
along with the top-notch rear camera!

Super Wide-Angle Camera Super Wide-Angle Camera

Main Camera Main Camera

Super Macro Camera Super Macro Camera


Powerful performance with
impressive innovations

The upgraded performance of V23e is here to support
multiple tasks and Apps running simultaneously with ease.



Coming Soon


Advertising creativity only. Please refer to the product details page after the product has been launched.