vivo Service Day Extravaganza!

August 21, 2023

vivo Service Day has earned widespread acclaim for its steadfast commitment to efficiency and customer satisfaction, becoming a defining aspect of the company's customer-centric identity. From August 21st to 23rd 2023, and recurring every third Monday to Wednesday of each month, customers will enjoy the exclusive privilege of participating in the vivo Service Day program. This significant event will take place across 17 service centers nationwide, reaffirming vivo unwavering dedication to delivering affordable solutions to its valued users. Here are the superior services offered during the vivo Service Day:


• 10% discount on the purchase of accessories

• Discount on Specific Spare Parts

• Free of cost cleaning and disinfection

• Free system recovery & software upgrade

• 1 Hour flash repair

• Free maintenance labor cost

• Free of cost protective sticker

• Enjoy recreational services

We are happy to serve our users – Get more in less on vivo Service Day!

vivo Service Day is admirable initiative that sets a benchmark for customer support in the smartphone industry. For further information about the occasion, contact us through WhatsApp, Toll-Free, Email, or visit our website and Facebook page.

Toll Free: 0800-00111




Discount on Spare Parts:


Disclaimer: Some service items are subject to the actual conditions of the service center. For details, please contact the local service center.